Friday, October 13, 2006

October's Chill

Well it sure was chilly this morning as we walked to school. Lucky for me I managed to find the box of winter hats, scarves and mitts in the attic so we all suited up nice and cozy.

Every morning lately Quinn finds a leaf and asks me to press it. Invaritably I loose it as I follow my routine of dropping of the kids and backpacks and taking the dog to the park for a run. So I end up having to spend some time hunting for a similar one to replace the one he found and it is wet. Now I have it drying which you know I'm going to forget about and it will go all crunchy and boy will he be ticked at me! THis is assuming he will even remember, you never know with Quinn, he's a tricky one!

With the move coming I am letting the kids have friends over more often and tonight they are each having a friend for a sleepover. Which means I'll have 4 kids running rampant in the house right after school and through dinner (thank goddess for mac and cheese!) until the late hours. How insane am I? Pretty insane but the guilt of knowing I'm pulling up their roots to move them is playing pretty strongly here.

Hmm... I just realized that when I saw the kids' parents this morning we never discussed a pickup time for Saturday, eeks! That can be dangerous but I have phone numbers and I will use them if it gets to ruckus on Saturday!

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