Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day Climbin'

Well for a father's day treat we surprised Tim with a rock climbing adventure at our local rock climbing club. Of course the kids had to go first and did really well then Tim got a turn. We soon understood why it's a pay one price and stay as long as you want. It should be a pay one price and stay until you drop which seems to be about 2 hours into the climbing!! Tim managed to go up 3 times and was completely done with numb sore fingers and toes from griping.
The kids had an absolute blast and are completely hooked. Of course they did great scrambling up until they looked down and then they would just let go and hang there with one of us holding their ropes at the bottom and just yell "I'm done, Get me down, NOW!" Quinn managed to get about 20 feet or possibly more by the end, Leah was closer to 15 and Tim got to the top once, which would have been about 40 feet or so.

The photos of Quinn climbing is about 6 or so feet short of where he managed to actually get to. I have a feeling we will all be back fairly soon and Tim is already trying to think of people he can drag along to climb with him after work next week.

I have to say it was a really great thing for the kids and not that bad in the price department. They had a bunch of different areas to practice with many different skill levels plus the caving area where there were some people practically hanging upside down!

It sure burned up some energy with both Leah and Quinn and they both sure fell asleep fast!

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